QashBack is transforming the traditional retail and services industries by introducing the world's first decentralised reputation management and permission-based marketing platform powered by Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and blockchain Smart Contracts.
Join Telegram GroupConsumers Now Check Online Reviews Before Making Decisions
And Hence Lies The Problem...

Polarisation Bias
Online reviews tend to over-represent extreme views, resulting in highly polarised views that are extreme positive or negative.

Fake Reviews
Widespread fake reviews threaten the usefulness and credibility of online reviews as barometer of online reputation.

Potential conflict of interest inherent to the business model of review sites where there are incentives to sell advertising.

Privacy Control
Reviews submitted by users reveal information about them, but the users have little control over these sensitive and private information.
The QashBack Solution
A consortium platform for different applications to share in the user pool, data pool and content pool in a trustless and autonomous environment through the introduction of world’s first decentralised reputation management system:

Master token for the clearing and settlement of cross-industry application transactions.

Reward based reviews to incentivise consumers to share their experiences with merchants.

Behaviour based promotions utilising artificial intelligence and algorithm to provide targeted offers to consumers.

Permission based advertising with privacy rights controlled by consumers and rewards for opting in to the advertising network.
Our Value Proposition
- Cheaper consumption via rebates and discounts offered on QashBack platform.
- Full control over personal data privacy and contextual advertising.
- Rewards for viewing advertisements and participation in other merchant promotions.
- Faster accumulation of online reviews to enhance online reputation for better commercial impact.
- Access to customer data on platform for lower user acquisition costs.
- Faster development cycle and go-to- market, leading to lower financial risks.
Our Competitive Advantage
Protocol Platform
Easier, Faster and Cheaper to start new lifestyle applications or integrate existing one.
Network Effect
Leverage platform membership base of several merchants worldwide to cross-sell or earn referral fees.
Token Liquidity
Immediate rebate to consumer wallet for payment, redemption or conversion to fiat money.
System Design & Architecture


Core Services


Founded by Seasoned Team with Over 100 Years Experience

Michael Tan
Seasoned entrepreneur in hi-tech industries.
Over 20 years business consulting and investment experience in Asia, dealing with MNCs, SMEs and startups.

Chan Fook Meng
Legal professional with over 30 years practice.
Was one of the founders of UniLegal LLC and a partner in a few law firms. Specialises in corporate law and M&A transactions.

Tim Langdon
Business Development Australia
Certified Finance and Treasury Professional with more than 30 years experience in currency markets and M&A.

Karl O’Shaughnessy
Sales & Marketing Australia
Finance professional with over 30 years experience, spanning global banking and hedge funds industries.

Richard Chow
VP Product & Technology
Senior IT Executive with over 20+ years experience in the ICT industry developing and managing complex IT infrastructures and technical solutions.